What others offer
We are so confident in the quality of ultrasound we provide that we are happy to show you what others in this area offer: We are comparing 4D imaging, but our 2D is equally as advanced. In addition to our quality, each of the places we reference charge a higher price for imaging we discontinued years ago. As we say, let your eyes decide.
*all images are from publicly posted references on their own social media pages (go look for yourself, but come back here) :-).
What is "8K" imaging?
The term “8K” imaging isn’t something new or groundbreaking. We have been aware of it for a few years. We didn’t offer it because we felt it created false advertising and was a gimmick. However, as of recently local places have tried to use it to compensate for older quality ultrasounds. We want to clearly define it. It is NOT an ultrasound, it is just a computer generated image (CGI), created by an outside company in Spain. Below are some examples from our E10 system that were sent and converted to “8K”. The ultrasound is what you are paying for, the “8K” can be done with really any image and is an upcharge ($15/image). If you have interest in it, we can provide it. NO other provider can provide the level of ultrasound that we do, at the price that we do. Please do not be fooled by, what we feel is a deceptive practice when not clearly defined.