Minnesota’s Top Rated 4D Ultrasound Provider Since 2009

Price Comparison: Enlightened 4D Imaging vs Before Birth Imaging (Blaine)

We are so confident in the quality of ultrasound we provide that we are happy to show you what others in this area offer.

As we say, let your eyes decide. If you want more proof, look for yourself but come back here! 😀

When choosing an ultrasound imaging center, it’s vital to consider their experience, technology, and practices. At Enlightened 4D Imaging, we focus on providing a professional, trustworthy service. Here, we compare our services with those of Before Birth Imaging (Blaine).

Enlightened 4D ImagingBefore Birth Imaging
Heartbeat Check$39.00 (Early)$45.00-$55.00
Gender Check$99.00 (with $100.00 written guarantee)$95.00 (no guarantee)
4D Scan$129.00 (Level 3 High-quality scan)$150.00 (Level 1 & 2 imaging)

Same Baby, Scanned Days Apart: Enlightened 4D Imaging vs Before Birth Imaging.

A comparison of scans performed by Before Birth Imaging and Enlightened 4D Imaging within a short timeframe. Please note that Before Birth Imaging uses older Level 1 and Level 2 systems.

It’s important to mention that we at Enlightened 4D Imaging have no business association with Before Birth Imaging or any other facility. We are a standalone, family-owned and operated facility.

Why Choose Enlightened 4D Imaging?

  • Over 13 years of gender and 4D imaging experience.
  • We offer a written guarantee for gender determination scans.
  • We use advanced Level 3 imaging for 4D scans.
  • Our team includes medically trained staff, providing support from start to finish.
  • High-quality, professionally printed images.
  • We provide high-quality video of your entire scan and all images to your phone, computer, or tablet – easily shareable and backed up by us.
  • We are a locally owned, family-run business, deeply invested in your ultrasound experience.

Choose a proven company for your imaging needs. Click here to learn more about Enlightened 4D Imaging.

All images are sourced from publicly posted references on their own social media pages or given to us by clients who came to us to get better images and experience.