Our Story
“What we do can’t be copied, because it is simply who we are."
After ten years of being the number-one-rated 4D center in the Twin Cities and surrounding areas, we can finally put our finger on why that is. Sheri (our newborn photographer) and I are both artists. I’m a musician and song writer, and Sheri is a talented physical and digital media artist. We both share that mindset and passion for what we do. We also have Stef and Chloe who handle the phones, e-mails, chats, and will greet you with a smile (behind their mask) when you walk through our door into our brand new state of the art facility!
How does that work?
It’s been a long journey to that answer. It’s not our equipment, training, and experience. Sure, we have the creds…but that doesn’t really make what we do magical.
We are real people. Our staff have children ranging from 28-4. We have all experienced joy and hardships along the journey and can identify with the many families we see come through our facility. We often spend extra time with our clients sharing funny stories, and bumps and bruises that make life beautiful. We care about our clients and get to know you and your experience. We don’t just make pictures … We make an experience, we teach, we laugh, we share, and learn. We have seen our clients’ children go from being 7 weeks gestation to newborn babies, to sitting, walking, talking, and experiencing their new sibling as the process starts again and families grow. We have been with families who have gone through devastating losses, and we have been there with them as they start again. Because we are a family and shared business, it is all with us, and we have gotten to know our people so well, many are lifetime friends.

We are all passionate and love the experience we create with our clients, and can’t imagine ever doing anything else. We do not look at the clock or worry when the day is done. We worry about making the next people happy, more educated about their pregnancy, baby, and life experience. We didn’t choose the name Enlightened Imaging because it was cute, gimmicky or trendy. We selected that name because it is truly what we seek to offer.
This business is a life-long journey. As many of you know, I was born in South America and started life as an orphan living on the streets there. I was very fortunate and blessed to be adopted and able to live and share in the American dream. It also has made me so aware of the importance of family bonding, and that is what we really do. It also motivated me to find a way to be able to give back and help other kids in my early situation. This business has allowed us to fulfill that life-long dream. I talk often about the work we do in Guatemala with a great orphanage there. This is why we get up in the morning, why we go in with a smile, why we work so hard to continually improve and offer an amazing experience. This can’t be duplicated, and why so many other companies who have tried to copy us have all failed, while we are still here. It is also due to the many loyal and dedicated families with whom we have bonded over the years of operation. We are so appreciative and feel the weight of the trust that those families have in us.